Can I use the labs and facilities in the Photography Department during the Spring 2024 semester?
Yes! All actively enrolled students who are Photography Majors, Minors, or currently enrolled in a PHOT course may use our facilities.

What are the open lab hours for Spring 2024?
Please click here to view this semester's open lab hours. Please note that these hours are always subject to change if necessary.

How do I make an appointment for a lab or classroom?
If you are a student and need to make an appointment to use a lab, please visit the type of lab you would like to use from the home page to learn more about that lab and click on the appointment link. Alternatively, if you already know which lab you would like to use you can make an appointment for any lab by visiting our reservations and appointments page here.

For faculty wishing to reserve an entire lab or classroom, please use the LL-ARC Additional Room Request form found here.

What about storage? Can I still use a storage room, flat file or locker?
Yes! Storage is still available to students and details can be found here.

Can my friends join me in the Photography Department labs?
Students and other members of the Pratt Community that are not enrolled in Photography courses or don’t otherwise have access to the labs may accompany Photography students in the labs.  They cannot, however, use any of the equipment and are expected to follow proper lab protocol and behavior as determined by Photography Department staff.  If any student does not follow these guidelines they may be asked to leave the lab.

Can I eat in the labs and classrooms in the Photo Department?
There is no food or drink allowed at any time in any Photography Department lab.

I still have questions! What should I do?
Not to worry!  Head over to the Locations and Contacts page found here and feel free to reach out to any of the administration and staff in the Photography Department.

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