Storage Rooms, Flat Files, & Lockers

Find the Storage Request Form Here Storage will become availbe in Summer 2024.

Senior Storage Rooms
Any student enrolled in PHOT-405: Senior Thesis I in the Fall semester and PHOT-406 Senior Thesis ll in the Spring semester is eligible for a storage room.  Senior storage rooms will be assigned on an as needed basis.  If you are in need of a storage room, please fill out this request form.  You’ll receive a follow up email with the details of your storage assignment.  Because of the number of rooms they will need to be shared.  After all rooms are filled, subsequent requests will be assigned a room and begin to be shared.

E-08 Flat Files
Any student enrolled in PHOT-405: Senior Thesis I or PHOT-305: Junior Research I in the Fall semester and PHOT-406 Senior Thesis ll or PHOT-306 Junior Research in the Spring semester is eligible for a flat file in the E-08 Digital Lab.  These will be assigned to each student on an added needed basis.  If you are in need of a storage room, please fill out this request form. You’ll receive a follow up email with the details of your storage assignment.  If enrollment allows, each student will have an individual flat file.  If sharing is required due to the number of students, those in PHOT-405 or 406 will retain individual files and those in PHOT-305 or 306 will have shared files.

B-07 Flat Files
Any student enrolled in PHOT-220 or PHOT-205 in the Fall/Spring semesters is eligible for a flat file in the B-07 common area. These files are assigned on an as needed basis.  If you are in need of a storage room, please fill out this request form.  You’ll receive a follow up email with the details of your storage assignment.  Because of the number of files they will need to be shared.  After all files are filled, subsequent requests will be assigned a flat file and begin to be shared.

Any student enrolled in PHOT-220: Large Format Photography or PHOT-305: Junior Research I in the Fall semester and PHOT-220 Large Format Photography Photography or PHOT-306 in the Spring semester is eligible for a locker in the A-corridor.  Lockers are assigned on an as needed basis and students must provide their own lock.  If you are in need of a storage room, please fill out this request form. You’ll receive a follow up email with the details of your storage assignment.

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