Lighting Studio

Inside the Photography Department’s Lighting Studio we have Profoto lighting equipment, stands and dollies, as well as various colors of seamless backdrops.  There are also iMac stations for tethered shooting, full frame digital cameras, pocket wizard sets, and hand held light meters.  Please see below for a detailed list of what they feature and to make a reservation.

In order to use the Photography Department’s Lighitng Studio you must be a Photography Major, Minor or currently enrolled/have taken a Photography Course that gives you access to the Lighitng Studio.  Then please read and submit the Equipment and Facilities Use Agreement.  This form can be found at the link below.

Pratt Photography Department Equipment and Facilities Use Agreement

In order to make an appointment for the lighting studio, please click the link below.  From here you will be able to select the date and time period for your studio session.  Lighting studio sessions can be anywhere from 1 to 4 hours long and can be made between 2 weeks to 1 hour prior to your planned visit.  Overnight sessions are not available this semester.  Students may only sign up for 1 studio session at a time.  Once you have finished this session, you may sign up for another with a limit of 3 sessions per week.  After making an appointment, you will receive a confirmation email and you may come to the studio and utilize the equipment while following all Institutional and Departmental safety protocol.  Upon completion of your session, keys must be returned via the key return slot outside of the Tech Office.

Please click below to make a reservation in one of the Lighting Studio Bays. 

Lighting Studio Bay A
Lighting Studio Bay B  

Keys must be picked up from the Tech Office when the office is open. If you have an appointment that begins before the Tech Office opens, please pick up the keys the day prior.

Tech Office hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 8:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday: 12:00pm - 7:00pm

Please note that only one appointment for a given activity can be made at a time.  Once this session is complete, you may sign up for a second session for a total of up to 3 sessions per week.  You may sign up for different activities simultaneously if needed.  For example, you may simultaneously make an appointment for the lighting studio as well as a digital lab, but you cannot simultaneously make 2 lighting studio appointments.

Description and Prerequisites
We have a large, high quality curtain system installed in the studio.  This can/serves a number of purposes within the studio, however its primary function is that it gives us the ability to separate the space so that there can be multiple shoots happening simultaneously and not interfering with each other.

By default, during open lab hours, the Lighting Studio is split into seperate bay (Bay A and Bay B). Please be aware that another shoot may already be occuring in the other Bay so lease be mindul of others using this space. 

Lighting Studio Features:
  • Lighting Studio Cabinets that contain:
        1 - Profoto D4 2400WS Power Pack
        3 - Profoto ProPlus Heads
        2 - Standard Reflectors
        1 - Zoom Reflector
        1 - Snoot
        1 - Beauty Dish with Grid
        1 - 5 degree honeycomb
        1 - 10 degree honeycomb
        1 - Sync Cable
        2 - Lowell Omni Hot Lights
        1 - Tripod
        1 - Nikon D600 camera with 50mm lens.
        1 - Pocketwizard Transceiver Set
        1 - Light Meter
        1 - High Voltage Sync Cable Adapter
  • 27” iMac tether stations
  • 3x4’ and 1x4’ Profoto Softboxes and 5’ Octa Softbox
  • Umbrellas, Flags, and V-Flats
  • C-stands, Super Booms, Magic Arms and misc grip
  • Neutral and color seamless backdrops

Seamless Color Options
107”Wide Rolls:

53”Wide Rolls:

You must be in PHOT-222, PHOT-422, PHOT- 466, PHOT 620P, or have taken PHOT-222 to use this lab.

Open Lab Hours - Spring 2025
Monday 9 am - 1pm 7 pm -11:30 pm
Tuesday 9 am - 11:30 pm
Wednesday 9 am - 11:30 pm
Thursday 2 pm - 11:30 pm
Friday 9 am - 11:30 pm
Saturday 10 am - 11:30 pm
Sunday 12 pm - 11:30 pm

*all lab hours are subject to change*

Friends/non-lab user Policy
The Photography labs are communal studio environments. Please be mindful of others' space and time as they focus on completing their coursework. While friends and non-lab users may visit these spaces briefly, they can not use any equipment in the facilities.
If a lab is very dense and busy and several non-lab users are present, a technician may ask them to leave the space.

Food & Drink Policy
No food or drink is allowed anytime in any Photography Department lab. Only water in a closed container is permitted in the lab. Students can use the common spaces in the F hallway to consume food.

For assistance please visit Technical Demonstrations or Technical Assistance.