Summer 2024

Please note that ongoing construction projects in the ARC may affect our lab hours. Please always check the VTO for any updates regarding our Lab Hours.

Summer 2024 Equipment Checkout and Lab Use Eligibility

Requirements for equipment and/or labs use over Summer 2024:

  • An undergraduate Photography major or minor student or a graduate Photography candidate and actively enrolled in a PHOT course during Fall 2024.
  • The Equipment and Facilities Use Agreement has been submitted. Click here to review and submit your agreement.

Extended Equipment Checkout

You must submit an application to receive an extended equipment checkout. If your application is approved, you will receive a confirmation email before the pickup date.

9am, Monday, 5/20 - 4pm, Friday, 5/24 - Accepting extended equipment checkout applications.

10 am - 3 pm, Tuesday, 6/4 - Extended equipment checkout pickup.

10am - 3pm, Friday, 8/9 - Extended equipment checkout return.

Extended Equipment Checkout Application

Undergraduate (BFA) Equipment Reservation Form
Graduate (MFA) Equipment Reservation Form

Please note, based on the Equipment and Facilities Use Agreement that is required to be submitted prior to extended equipment checkout, you are responsible for the cost of repair or replacement should the equipment come back damaged or not come back at all.

Standard equipment checkout will also be available during the open lab schedule below and linked here.

Summer 2024 Open Lab Schedule

All Labs and Studios:

Monday, 5/20- Sunday, 6/2 - All labs and studios are closed—no equipment checkout.

Monday, 6/3 - Thursday, 8/22 - 9:30 am - 3:30 pm. Weekends closed.
Lab Appointments are required during Open Lab Hours.
For specif Lab hours please see the Open Lab Hours page here or  Lab Appt Page.

Wednesday, 6/19 - Closed.

Monday, 7/1 – Friday, 7/5 Closed.

July 8 - August 2- The Group B&W Darkroom will be closed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  
July 8 - August 2- The A-06 Digital Lab will be closed on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  

*please note these hours & policies are subject to change*

Graduate students will continue to have 24/7 access to the labs, however support staff will only be present during the hours listed above. Please note that some facilities may be closed for maintenance at different points in the summer period.

Graduating 2nd-year Photography, students must remove all their materials from the Labs and will no longer have lab access beginning 6/30/24.