Group B&W Darkroom
Features and Prerequisites
The group B&W darkroom features:
- Film development 35mm - 4x5in
- Omega D5 enlargers with condenser heads for 35mm - 4x5in
- Beseler 23CIII-XL enlargers with VC heads for 35mm - 6x6cm
- Sink and trays to accommodate 11x14in prints
- Seal 20x24in mounting press
- Individual printing rooms
You must be in or be a Photography Major or Minor who have taken PHOT-105 or PHOT-685 to use this lab.
Open Lab Hours - Fall 2024
Monday 6:30 pm -11 pm
Tuesday 9 am - 1:30pm & 6:30pm - 11 pm
Wednesday 6:30 pm - 11 pm
Thursday 2 pm - 11:30 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 4 pm
Saturday 11 am - 5 pm
Sunday 12:30 pm- 11:30 pm
**Film Processing stops 1 hour before close**
**Last print is 30 minutes before close**
Choose from the list below to make an appointment in the Group B&W Darkroom.
Enlarger Station
Film Processing
Tray Processing Room (4x5 or 8x10 sheet film only)
Friends/non-lab user Policy
The Photography labs are communal studio environments. Please be mindful of others' space and time as they focus on completing their coursework. While friends and non-lab users may visit these spaces briefly, they can not use any equipment in the facilities.
If a lab is very dense and busy and several non-lab users are present, a technician may ask them to leave the space.
Food & Drink Policy
No food or drink is allowed anytime in any Photography Department lab. Only water in a closed container is permitted in the lab. Students can use the common spaces in the F hallway to consume food.
For assistance please visit Technical Demonstrations or Virtual Tech Assistance.
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