Digital Labs

Please see the Summer Information page for details on Lab hours, policies and procedures LINK HERE.

Our digital labs are located in rooms A-06, D-03, D-07, and E-08 and feature Apple computers equipped with the latest version of Adobe Creative Cloud and other professional imaging software.  Our digital labs have Epson professional inkjet printers ranging from 17in to 44in wide, Xerox laser printers, as well as Hasselblad Flextight film scanners, Versascan and Epson flatbed scanners.  Also available are calibrated print viewing stations and a 40x60in vacuum mounting press for mounting photographs.  Please click the links to the labs below to see a detailed list of what they feature and make a reservation.

In order to use the Photography Department’s digital labs you must be a Photography Major, Minor or currently enrolled in a Photography Course that gives you access to the Digital Labs.  Then please read and submit the Equipment and Facilities Use Agreement.  This form can be found at the link below.

Pratt Photography Department Equipment and Facilities Use Agreement

An appointment is required in order to access any of the digital labs within the Photography Department.  In order to make an appointment, visit the links to each lab below which describe what is in each lab and the prerequisites for making an appointment.  It also contains a link to a booking form which will allow you to choose the date and time period you would like to work in the lab as well as choose which type of activity you will be doing (ex. Scanning on Flextight, or Printing on Charlie the Epson P9000).  The amount of time available in undergraduate digital labs is 30 minutes - 3 hours and between 2 hours - 6 hours for graduate labs.  Appointments can be made between 2 weeks to 1 hour prior to your planned time of arrival.  After making an appointment, you will receive a confirmation email and you may come to the lab and utilize the equipment while following all Institutional and Departmental safety protocols.

Undergraduate Labs 
A-06 Digital Lab
D-03 Digital Lab
E-08 Digital Lab

Graduate Labs
D-07 Digital Lab**

**You must be a graduate Photography student, enrolled in a graduate Photography course, or a graduate student who has received permission from the Photography Department to use this lab.

Please note that only one appointment for a given activity can be made at a time. Once this session is complete, you may sign up for a second session for a totally of up to 3 sessions per week.  You may sign up for different activities simultaneously if needed.  For example, you may simultaneously make an appointment for the lighting studio as well as a digital lab, but you cannot simultaneously make 2 digital lab appointments.

Friend/Food and Drink Policy
At present, in order to continue to reduce density indoors, there are no friends allowed in any Photography Department lab. There is also no food or drink allowed at any time in any Photography Department lab.