Winter Break
Fall 2024 Equipment Return
- Tuesday, 12/10, by 6 PM - All equipment must be returned to the Tech Office.
*Large Format Cameras checked out to students enrolled in PHOT-220 must return their kits by this date as well. If they have completed their coursework and wish to return their equipment earlier, they may do so.
Winter Break Extended Equipment Checkout Eligibility
Must be both:
- Undergraduate Photography Major or Graduate Photography Student
- Actively enrolled in Photography courses in the Spring 2025 semester
Also, those who are studying abroad for the Spring 2025 Semester are unable to reserve equipment for this timeframe.
Winter Break Equipment Reservations
- Monday, 12/9, 10AM - Graduate Photography students and Undergraduate Photography Seniors may begin placing Winter Break equipment reservations. *No reservations will be accepted before this time.
- Tuesday, 12/10, 10AM - All other Photography majors may begin placing Winter Break reservations.
- Wednesday, 12/11, 4PM - Winter Break equipment reservations close. *No reservations will be accepted after this time.
Equipment Pick Up
- Thursday, 12/12, 10AM - 6PM - Winter Break equipment pick up.
- Friday, 12/13, 10AM - 4PM - Winter Break equipment pick up. *No pick-ups will be allowed after this time.
By checking out items for the Winter Break you agree to not travel outside the United States with school owned equipment, without prior approval from the tech office.
Equipment Return
- Thursday, 1/16 by 4PM - Winter Break equipment must be returned to the Tech Office.
Please note that the Equipment and Facilities Use Agreement submitted during the Fall 2024 semester is valid. This means that you are responsible for the cost of repair or replacement should any equipment come back damaged or not at all.
If you are found not to have completed the Equipment and Facilities Use Agreement when you submit a Winter Break Reservation, you will be asked to complete the form before your equipment is confirmed. You may find that form linked HERE.
If your equipment is returned after Tuesday, 1/14 at 4PM, it will be considered late and subject to our Equipment Penalty Policy.
Winter Break Open Lab Schedule
The Photography Department Labs and Facilities will open in January and be available to Photography majors in both graduate and undergraduate programs, photography minors, and any other student actively enrolled in Photography courses during the Spring 2025 semester.
*Please note that there may be some ongoing improvements to labs during this time so certain facilities may not be accessible at certain times. Always make sure to make a reservation ahead of time, as any changes in hours will be reflected there.*
*Please note these hours are subject to change*
Tuesday 12/17
Last day of undergraduate lab access for Fall 2024. Labs close at 7:30PM (Darkrooms close at 7PM)
Wednesday 12/18 - Monday 1/6
All Undergraduate Digital Labs, Darkroom, Non-Silver Lab, Lighting Studio, and the Photography Tech Office will be closed.
*Photography Graduate students may continue to use D-07 and C-05, but technical staff support will be unavailable from 12/18 to 1/6. If you encounter an issue, please email so it can be addressed after winter break.
Tuesday 1/7 - Friday 1/10
Labs and Equipment Checkout open for use Monday - Friday, 9AM - 4:30PM (Darkrooms close at 4PM)
Saturday 1/11 - Sunday 1/12
All Labs and Facilties Closed
Monday 1/13 - Friday 1/17
Labs and Equipment Checkout open for use Monday - Friday, 9AM-4:30PM (Darkrooms close at 4PM)
Saturday 1/18 - Monday 1/20 (MLK Day)
All Labs and Facilities Closed
Tuesday 1/21 - Thursday 1/23
Labs and Equipment Checkout open for use Monday - Thursday, 9AM - 7:30PM (Darkrooms close at 7PM)
Friday, 1/24
Labs and Equipment Checkout open for use, 9AM - 4:30PM (Darkrooms close at 4 PM)
Saturday, 1/25 - Sunday, 1/26
Spring 2025 Lab Hours Begin
Monday, 1/27
Classes Resume